The marvels of what you can do to rain barrels can be unique.

Besides collecting and storing water rain barrels, are used for:
Use Rain barrels as planters, both vertical and horizontal.
Form to make wire cages for potatoes, carrots, and other root crops.
You can paint the plastic barrels as well. You can make stencils and using plastic spray paint to decorate your barrels. Search the internet for copyright-free garden images. Please print out the pictures, tape them to the barrel, and paint.
Be sure to use only food-grade barrels that have been cleaned and contaminate free.
If you live in the Salem, Oregon area, check out Rickreall Bargain Center on 9855 Rickreall Rd. 503.623.5338. They have a large variety of plastic food grade barrels. Westbound at the light, and you will find them about 100 yards down the road on the right (north). The barrels are clean and ready for use.
You can always search for them on Craig’s List. Just be careful with whom you are dealing with and always bring a friend. Safety first, second and third.
Check the recycling symbol on the bottom of the rain barrels.
The quickest and most reliable way to check for food safety is by consulting the recycling number. This number will be between 1 and 7 and is inside a triangle of arrows. As a general rule, the safe numbers for use with food are 1, 2, 4, and 5.

Have some fun with these barrels, which are great for planters, dog houses, and on and on. Let your imagination have some fun.